Developing the Giving Grace Foundation was something that resonated with me on a personal level. I remember wanting to be a part of my elementary school band at 9 years old. I had the opportunity to try playing the clarinet and it turned out to be something that I was really passionate about. At the time, we students were allowed to borrow our musical instruments for a short period, free of charge, then we would have to eventually pay for the rental of the instrument. This was a way for us to take the time to figure out whether we wanted to continue learning our respective musical instruments. Although this was very exciting for me, there was a heavy feeling that I carried in the pit of my stomach. I knew that my family couldn’t afford the rental of the clarinet. I remember my mother working multiple jobs to get my 5 brothers and me into a better home because ours was literally falling apart. I told my band instructor that I had to give the clarinet back. The following week, my band instructor pulled me aside and told me that I was going to be receiving a music scholarship which would allow me to keep the clarinet and continue my musical studies. I was elated and happy beyond belief. THAT was the moment that led me to a future that has presented many opportunities and a career in music that brings so much joy to my world. More importantly, that moment in my life was the spark that ignited my passion for helping other young people to follow their dreams and to do what they love.
I’ve had amazing people in my life give me a helping hand in my most vulnerable times and I cannot thank them enough. They’ve helped me in more ways than they will ever know. Now, I want to pay it forward by helping the youth in our community. Every child deserves an opportunity. An opportunity to learn, to reach their goals, and to go after their dreams no matter what their circumstances are.
I am also extremely proud to honor my two brothers, Guito and Rozwell Joseph, through our scholarship program. The idea of the Giving Grace Foundation actually started with the development of the Guito and Rozwell Joseph Memorial Scholarship. I had been wanting to develop the memorial scholarship for the past couple of years. When I finally started, I was inspired to expand on the idea of helping young people who could use the resources and the support. The Giving Grace Foundation was a natural evolution from the desire to honor my brothers and I'm looking forward to doing amazing things with the organization. Not only are my family and I able to keep their legacy alive but we are giving back at the same time. Nothing better than that!
A Word From Our Founder

Our Story
Chantal Joseph

Founder/Executive Director